The High-Performing Associate Mastermind

is the field guide for the

Investment Industry Associate.

The High-Performing Associate Mastermind taught me skills that I can use both at work and in my personal life. It helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses and set me on track to improve in all areas.  Even after the first week with Jenn, I could feel my self-awareness and confidence rise. The Mastermind is simple to understand but offers a lifetime of growth.  Since I first started, I have been able to develop my skills as an associate, improve my confidence, and was able to advance my career sooner than expected.  Jenn always brings so much energy and positivity into her work and you can feel her excitement and encouragement through the screen.  She has helped me to organize my life in a way that benefits both the quality of my work life and my personal life.  I look forward to continuing my learning inside the Mastermind and cannot wait to see where it takes me. 

Mason Schlicter | Calgary, Alberta

Watch Our Masterclass Below!

The High-Performing Associate Mastermind

The High-Performing Associate Mastermind is a 12-week mastermind immersion.  This hybrid experience of self-paced learning + weekly group coaching supports Investment Industry Associates to communicate with clarity and confidence, increase their marketability, leverage high-performance routines, and manage tricky conversations like a boss.

It is the field guide to thriving in this rewarding and demanding industry. It contains everything required to build a strong foundation of self-care, a growth mindset, and confidence.

Whether you're just starting in the industry as a Sales Assistant or you're a seasoned Associate providing advice to clients, the mastermind will equip you with the tools you need to perform at your best and be on track to earn top-dollar compensation.

We individually mentor and provide every Associate with a strong foundation to achieve their highest potential and earning capability.

What helped me get through the stresses of work and my personal life was Jenn's coaching. She gave me tools and resources on how to deal with difficult conversations with my Advisor and clients, understand the industry and market, and manage projects from conception to completion. I have since moved on from an associate role and continue to use the tools I received from Jenn. They have benefited my career, development, and growth! I recommend Jenn to anyone looking for a kind-hearted, open-minded, and welcoming individual to help you reach your career aspirations!

Natasa Sipcic | Calgary, Alberta

The Transformation

Step 1: Building A New Foundation

  • Starting the Adventure Forward

  • Elevate Your Self-Care Routine

  • Uncovering Your Superpowers and Harnessing Their Potential

  • Matching Your Key Tasks with Your Peak Energy

Step 2: Harnessing High-Performing Habits

  • Identify areas affected by burnout

  • Cope with feeling always "on call”

  • Manage your inbox efficiently

  • Create a workspace that supports your best self

  • Employ techniques to handle sensitive emails calmly

Step 3: Confident Communicator And A Boundary-Setting Boss

  • Effectively inquire about the Advisor's expectations

  • Encourage daily connection points

  • Handle tasks beyond the job description confidently

  • Set and maintain clear boundaries with the Advisor and team

Step 4: Tricky Conversations

  • Define your needs confidently

  • Learn the framework to handle tough conversations

  • How to create space for resolution

  • Practicing self-care during conflict to reduce stress

Step 5:  Increase Your Earning Capability

  • Think like a business owner

  • Request a raise confidently

  • Negotiation do’s and don’ts

  • Aligning for abundance

Jenn is a kind, positive, and supportive individual. I was blessed to have known her for over 7 years. During our time together we identified important values, behaviors, and boundaries. She coached, supported, and guided me in my role as a Financial Advisor Associate and was able to foster a safe, supportive space for growth and change. Jenn became a great role model and trusted support and helped me dig deep to regain confidence and focus on a solution mindset. Jenn supported, guided me, and kept me accountable, to take me to the next level in my career. 

Michelle Nicolaides | Calgary, Alberta

What’s Included

  • Building A New Foundation

    Examine where you are today and where you're going. Start making shifts with your mindset, self-care, morning routine, and taking extreme ownership of your life.

  • Manage Your Energy

    Begin moving away from burnout, and overwhelm, and begin harnessing your natural assets. Organize your mind, your desk, and your inbox to work like a well-oiled machine!

    Learn how to communicate with confidence and set healthy boundaries that make you feel like a boss.

  • Ask For More Money With Clarity And Confidence

    Begin aligning with the energetics of abundance and ask for more money with clarity and confidence. Feel empowered knowing your worth and how to articulate it.

Curious if The High-Performing Associate Mastermind is right for you and/or your team?

Let’s connect and I’ll map you a Career Blueprint, my gift! You’ll be able to see exactly what steps you need to take to achieve what you desire. From there you can decide to implement this on your own or if you need support, consider if our mastermind is right for you.